Saturday, November 12, 2011

Posing: 11SecClub Rig!

Our lecturer had us experimenting with this rig from

One important thing i have figured out and would like to point out is, if you want to use the rig. You have to open the maya file given called, workspace and then drag in, 'ElevenRig_RC1', from the Scenes file. To achieve the correct texture which is supposed to look like this.

If the 'ElevenRig_RC1' file is dragged into a new maya scene created by yourself, it will give you this ghoulish kind of texture.

And that IS NOT THE ONLY PROBLEM because if you decide to stick with it and render it after all that hard work, it will only look black like this. You can't even change the environment color. So please make this step before working on your rig.


 So back to the work, we're supposed give them 3 poses and here are the pictures we've gotten from the internet.

I'm calling this one the '300',

This one the 'Tattoo Girl',

And finally, this one, the 'Bollywood Girl'.

And this is what i came up with. For 300, i did this one first and it took quite some time because the arms on the rig felt too long compared to the small body it had so i had to angle it more towards the back. Overall, i like the pained facial and body expressions. Here are renders of it.

This is a Full Body.

This is a close up. 

Now for the Tattoo Girl,  there was also a bit of trouble with the hands but i managed to get her into the pose. The tricky about this one is you have to do the pose yourself to realize that she isn't exactly leaning forward even though her right arm looks as if its supporting her weight. Also, her facial expression looks like she couldn't care less when her body is in such a complicated pose.

This is the full body.

This is a close up.

Finally, the Bollywood Girl. Her pose is also interesting because she's very relaxed but not to the point whereby she slouches all over the chair. She still manages to keep her classy look by keeping her back straight. I made a slightly-curved back chair here for her to make it look more relevant.

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