Other important points to take note of is the weight of the body when the character does a pose so that it doesn't look stiff and a slight twist in the body posture can actually bring more "tension" and live to a character.
So here are shots renders for my spidey. Notice i twisted the spine a little towards his right so he looks like he is resting his weight and the knees are pointed downwards to balance his weight so that it looks more natural. I'm really quite happy with it except for the part where i did not keep his hip control horizontal but rotated which i found out after from my lecturer that i could cause problems if i start animating. All and all, i'm happy with the pose now so i hope you feel the same way about it:)
Front view
Back view
Side View
Interesting perspective: I kind of
played around and got this shot which i find
pretty interesting like it could be used for a
part of a movie scene.
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